Thursday 31 December 2009

Moonlight Kisses & London Wishes Monday, 30 November 2009

Moonlight Kisses & London Wishes

PT 1

It was slightly foggy in London and the weather was chilly for this time of year. He some how pursued her with chocolates, roses and a midnight stroll along the riverbank. There was this beautiful warm glow casting over her.

She gazed romantically into his eyes which sent pulsating surges throughout his body. The twinkle from the full moon would sparkle in her emerald eyes and he always reminded her that they shined as bright as the North Star.

It was twelve o'clock and good ole Big Ben always chimed at the stroke of midnight. They walked arm in arm, only stopping once in a while to gaze at the clear starry sky, imagining what may possibly be beyond them.

He was so hopelessly in love and kept on reminding her that he was in dreamland, each time they embraced.

PT 2

She quivered as the cool winter breeze floated against her skin. He then pulled her close to his body, and held her safely in his arms. He had charming soft brown eyes and a trace of sensuality casing the contours of his mouth.

‘I am so lucky that I’ve finally found someone like you.’ She whispered.

He tenderly lifted her head and he kissed her forehead. Then softly pressing his warm moist lips against hers, quenching their desires that burned within.

He then affectionately trailed downwards to kiss her delicately on the neck. She breathed deeply finding it amazing how one could love and change her entire life.

At that exact moment, she realised that this was the man that she wanted to be with forever and he wanted to make this a romantic night, a beautiful wonderful heart warming night for her to always cherish and remember.

There was always something special and enchanting about sentimental moonlight kisses on a cold frosty winters night.


She was so excited because it was her first time walking across London Bridge. It was magnificent, beautiful, and oh so romantic.

This woman was flawless. She was such a pretty and caring lady. Her skin tanned, green eyes, dark brown hair, sexy long legs, natural red lips, gorgeous figure that created a beautiful female package. She didn't have an ounce of vanity in her veins. He was the luckiest man on the planet.

They met overseas beneath hot sunny skies and long sandy beaches. He waved at her and she responded with a shy smile which gave him the courage to introduce himself. They exchanged numbers and spoke until the sunset. It was the most romantic night of their lives and they fell in love.

She always wished to have someone special to share her life with and he always wanted someone that he could hold in his arms and call his own.

'If you ask me to stay a while, I can do that.' She told him, automatically reaching out and touching his face.

This handsome man held her totally captivated, as she tried to keep focus on her surroundings.

'You would do that for me?' he asked, making eye connection with her.

Inspired by his excitement, a giggle escaped her lips. She assured him with a smile.

PT 4

This was their night of discovery, a night of love, a night where they became one and as it grew darker the full moon became brighter. They clutched hands and resumed walking along the riverbank.

Her hands were the softest that he had ever held in his life and he realised that he could not let go from this moment forward. This was the start of a relationship that would last for eternity.

She had never felt like this for anybody in her life. This was the first time that she had all these emotions. He always saw something distinctive within her, the sense of undeniable, loyal, committed dependability, also a warm cosy fluffy softness that she normally would not show anyone. Yet on this dreamy night she let out some of those intimate feelings. He taught her how to rely on her emotions and be joyful.

She turned around once more, they were alone. He once again put his arms around her as she felt his soft gentle lips. He kissed her passionately. She had never been kissed like this before.

This was the mooonlight kiss of a lifetime and from that moment forward all she could do was think only about their romance and love. He gently touched her lips with the points of his fingers where he had just kissed her.

She was conquered by the way her heart was pounding away discreetly and hoped and wished that this amazing sensation wasn’t a dream and that it would last forever.

PT 5

This night was overflowing with merriment and bliss, London had transformed into serenity. The passionate look from her always kept him captive and he could smell the fragrance from her body (Chanel Coco Mademoiselle) as it flavoured the air with a beautiful aroma. She always knew how to set his wishes ablaze.

‘I am so pleased that you have decided to stay.’

He whispered and then wrapped his arms warmly around her waist. She always loved the way he held her securely.

Her breath became laboured as he gazed deeper into her green eyes. She felt her legs weakening and he could now feel her heart palpitate, it was so intense and that was just by staring at him.

‘I am so happy that we are finally together. This was the best new years ever. You’re the best.’

She replied, knowing that he was the one, by his kisses and the way he touched her with honesty and love.

As they gradually made their way back home, he realised that it was the little things that made their relationship complete.

He had stirred good emotions in a way that no one ever had. Her head was filled with thoughts of passion, romantic aura from the wintry breeze and the warmth of his body.

London seemed to have this effect in motioning them into the right direction. London gave them the pathway to happiness, togetherness and love.

The moonlight had granted all their wishes and I guess it was the power from all those London kisses.

The Green Eyed Goddess Wednesday, 25 November 2009

The Green Eyed Goddess

PT 1

There was always something about this woman, I named her The Green Eyed Goddess. She stood tall, perfect at 5’9 across the platform of the train station, an absolute unparalleled vision of beauty and elegance. The sheath like dark black dress that she was wearing embraced her figure and the skirt part of the dress hugged her hips and stretched down to her thighs.

She had dark brown shoulder length hair, which swept down one side of her face more or less covering her left eye. Every so often she would flip her head so that her vision was cleared. She was beautiful, with a warm and inviting smile.

It would be summer every day, if only I could share my life with this woman. I watched her every morning standing in silence. As I glanced around, I saw devoted couples, hand in hand in perfect union, their joy fulfilled.

PT 2

We were both from two different worlds both going in opposite directions. Yet we were connected by the same train line. We were together but not actually united, two nomadic souls seeking to discover their purpose in life.

My side of the platform stood mostly empty. My soul and happiness had taken the form of this woman of extraordinary beauty, bright, inquisitive mind, and a magnetic personality, drawing in all those in close proximity to her, aspiring to be her friend.

Even with so many people around her she seemed lonely. I guess we were both lonely. Yet life’s train journey can be a pleasant thing, a trip across yonder to sunny blue skies, a change, before arriving at your final destination.

PT 3

I guess I’m the type of man who wants to give love, and all that it really meant. Any particular route or passageway is about giving and its far better to bestow and discover unconditional love than to never love at all. The journey of existence may be lengthy with twists and turns yet fruitful and rewarding shared with the right spirit.

Situated at the end of the platform station, I saw myself as nobody special, there isn’t anything unique or extraordinary about me. Nothing has come to pass within my entire travel that hasn't happened to virtually everybody else on this planet. Except for the brief fortuitous encounters with the Green Eyed Goddess.

In life not so often you just know that there is, or they are - The One, from a momentary action, the fluttering of her Gazelle kohl-lined eye lashes were as mesmeric and intoxicating all at the same time. She brought the promise of warmth, sunshine, and continued illuminated days.

She had it all and to travel with her would be like a marvel dream, a living fantasy from which you would never want to awake. The world would seem new and vibrant and togetherness and oneness would seemingly last forever.

The Green Eyed Goddess is the type of lady that would devote all of her life towards you achieving your goals, helping you reach life’s potential and for me the prospect of being in her arms would be my only reason, desire, ambition and aspiration.

PT 4

Watching her across the station I knew that I could honour this woman for the rest of my life. Despite the distance between us, I’ve always found ways everyday to wish and prompt myself that one day we could be together.

For a while I have imagined what would be necessary for me to just walk to the other side of this platform. Weeks and months would pass, yet I could never pluck up the bravery to converse with her.

All I needed now was to chance upon the correct words, so that I could express my feelings. I just needed to some how promise and dedicated my life to her and to verbalize that I wanted to share my beautiful sunrise and sunset with her by my side.

Her train pulled into the station. It always left at 8.30 sharp. I was becoming nervous, having already been walking about the station for an hour. I glimpsed her framed in the window and I almost shouted out to her that no matter which direction life may take you, that love (Our love) will one day surely take us together to the paradise that she has always imagined.

PT 5

Just within a few minutes of the train leaving, an announcement played over the tannoy reporting a delay and that all passengers situated on platform two would need to cross over to platform one.

The departures board usually a screen hanging from the roof, showed a list for the next few trains leaving from this station and that there would be a thirty minute delay.

I made my way to the other side and onto her train knowing that this would be my stroke of luck. My kismet had changed and for some weird and wonderful reason she was sitting unaccompanied.

‘Is this seat taken?’ I enquired.

‘No.’ she smiled nodding her head.

It was amazing that sometimes with no real words said and just by the simplest of smiles your whole world can change.

We both looked at each other exchanged greetings and then and there I knew that today was going to be a terrific day, a blessed day that was going to change the rest of my life. One thing you will never know is where or when your opportunity will arise for you to bump into your love.

Her name was Anne, we struck up a conversation and within 15 minutes of our meeting she tenderly held my hand, looked into my eyes and asked

"Do you believe in fate?"

‘Yes’ I replied.

There was an instant bond between us. There was no doubt in our hearts, that we had feelings for each other and for me to just sit next to her was the very thing that I could possibly had wished for. A paradise, a new start and the love of my life after all these years being alone.

I believed in us and there was no question in my mind that our meeting was divine fate. The Green Eyed Goddess was my love and no one else could ever have that part of my soul.

The beating rhythm of the clattering from the train's wheels started to draw out from the station. We had no idea which direction we were heading.

But one thing I knew for certain was that I wouldn’t live the rest of my life feeling lonely anymore, because I was at last finally travelling with my Green Eyed Goddess.