Wednesday 2 January 2008



Recently I was excavating through My VHS compilation and I discovererd a movie, that for me transformed the significance for more BLACK cinema in America.
Hollywood Shuffle (1987) was the directorial debut of Actor/ Director Robert Townsend. His self financed film Hollywood SHUFFLE pokes fun at the struggles many black actors face whilst looking for an acting career in Hollywood. It's sad as well because many of these stereotypes are still true to this day. While progress has been made in the American Movie Industry, those dudes still need to make more changes. This film showed people how the Movie making business handles the majority of young black actors who are trying to make it in the movies.
There was one scene that ive linked here on YOUTUBE that truly made me chuckle and remorseful at the same time. I wont give details for the scene, I suggest you just watch it. WATCH IT!!!! Educate yourselves!

Hollywood Shuffle - Black Acting 101
Its funny how Mel Brooks was voted with Blazing Saddles (A good Movie) as one of the best comedies ever on C4, (Yet a Black Director) mirroring the same prejudices within the industry, is not even mentioned or even appreciated?
Mr Townsend, bro I got ya back dude! C4 should screen this movie!
Post-9/11, television, film makers, editors have been attempting to unearth stories from inside the Asian inner city community. Topics on racism, culture, diversity. Yes I know…. The industry's conquered by the white middle class. But we NOW more than ever, really need to create awareness and make a change within our own british film & Tv industry.
British Film & Television in my humble (overconfident) judgment is still institutionalised. If you are Black and you want to knock together a film ie on a cultural topic, then you are more than often sidelined (By white middle class editors) and the project shrugged off as 'Its all been done before". Yet Most Movies that have of late been completed have been redesigned films of the 80's – by British White filmmakers Love & Hate, Bullet Boy, A fond Kiss, Brick Lane, This is England. All Respectable Movies by worthy white filmmakers. But when one queries production companies, "where are all the individual voices exemplifying black stories?" Then in one form or another these very films are marketed as the authentic voices of Diverse Britian! (Which I'm sorry to say is total bull shit!)
To cut a long yarn short… Watch the clips, regardless of what colour or social status you are dudes. If one has a brain, they will figure out what and why ive post this paper. We need to revolutionise the industry for potential black filmmakers. So they don't have to put up with the bull shit that we second generation filmmakers have had to endure.
ITS 2007 we should all create an allegiance and set a target 2017. Industry professionals, governing bodies, media watchdogs. Production companies, Networks to demand diversity and authenticity. Give Black writers the chance of fulfilling their expectations, filmmakers of Colour & New emerging talented actors to blossom, so they don't have to be subjecting themselves in only being cast to play old Patel in the corner shop.
Coolio aneel x

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