Thursday 31 December 2009

Moonlight Kisses & London Wishes Monday, 30 November 2009

Moonlight Kisses & London Wishes

PT 1

It was slightly foggy in London and the weather was chilly for this time of year. He some how pursued her with chocolates, roses and a midnight stroll along the riverbank. There was this beautiful warm glow casting over her.

She gazed romantically into his eyes which sent pulsating surges throughout his body. The twinkle from the full moon would sparkle in her emerald eyes and he always reminded her that they shined as bright as the North Star.

It was twelve o'clock and good ole Big Ben always chimed at the stroke of midnight. They walked arm in arm, only stopping once in a while to gaze at the clear starry sky, imagining what may possibly be beyond them.

He was so hopelessly in love and kept on reminding her that he was in dreamland, each time they embraced.

PT 2

She quivered as the cool winter breeze floated against her skin. He then pulled her close to his body, and held her safely in his arms. He had charming soft brown eyes and a trace of sensuality casing the contours of his mouth.

‘I am so lucky that I’ve finally found someone like you.’ She whispered.

He tenderly lifted her head and he kissed her forehead. Then softly pressing his warm moist lips against hers, quenching their desires that burned within.

He then affectionately trailed downwards to kiss her delicately on the neck. She breathed deeply finding it amazing how one could love and change her entire life.

At that exact moment, she realised that this was the man that she wanted to be with forever and he wanted to make this a romantic night, a beautiful wonderful heart warming night for her to always cherish and remember.

There was always something special and enchanting about sentimental moonlight kisses on a cold frosty winters night.


She was so excited because it was her first time walking across London Bridge. It was magnificent, beautiful, and oh so romantic.

This woman was flawless. She was such a pretty and caring lady. Her skin tanned, green eyes, dark brown hair, sexy long legs, natural red lips, gorgeous figure that created a beautiful female package. She didn't have an ounce of vanity in her veins. He was the luckiest man on the planet.

They met overseas beneath hot sunny skies and long sandy beaches. He waved at her and she responded with a shy smile which gave him the courage to introduce himself. They exchanged numbers and spoke until the sunset. It was the most romantic night of their lives and they fell in love.

She always wished to have someone special to share her life with and he always wanted someone that he could hold in his arms and call his own.

'If you ask me to stay a while, I can do that.' She told him, automatically reaching out and touching his face.

This handsome man held her totally captivated, as she tried to keep focus on her surroundings.

'You would do that for me?' he asked, making eye connection with her.

Inspired by his excitement, a giggle escaped her lips. She assured him with a smile.

PT 4

This was their night of discovery, a night of love, a night where they became one and as it grew darker the full moon became brighter. They clutched hands and resumed walking along the riverbank.

Her hands were the softest that he had ever held in his life and he realised that he could not let go from this moment forward. This was the start of a relationship that would last for eternity.

She had never felt like this for anybody in her life. This was the first time that she had all these emotions. He always saw something distinctive within her, the sense of undeniable, loyal, committed dependability, also a warm cosy fluffy softness that she normally would not show anyone. Yet on this dreamy night she let out some of those intimate feelings. He taught her how to rely on her emotions and be joyful.

She turned around once more, they were alone. He once again put his arms around her as she felt his soft gentle lips. He kissed her passionately. She had never been kissed like this before.

This was the mooonlight kiss of a lifetime and from that moment forward all she could do was think only about their romance and love. He gently touched her lips with the points of his fingers where he had just kissed her.

She was conquered by the way her heart was pounding away discreetly and hoped and wished that this amazing sensation wasn’t a dream and that it would last forever.

PT 5

This night was overflowing with merriment and bliss, London had transformed into serenity. The passionate look from her always kept him captive and he could smell the fragrance from her body (Chanel Coco Mademoiselle) as it flavoured the air with a beautiful aroma. She always knew how to set his wishes ablaze.

‘I am so pleased that you have decided to stay.’

He whispered and then wrapped his arms warmly around her waist. She always loved the way he held her securely.

Her breath became laboured as he gazed deeper into her green eyes. She felt her legs weakening and he could now feel her heart palpitate, it was so intense and that was just by staring at him.

‘I am so happy that we are finally together. This was the best new years ever. You’re the best.’

She replied, knowing that he was the one, by his kisses and the way he touched her with honesty and love.

As they gradually made their way back home, he realised that it was the little things that made their relationship complete.

He had stirred good emotions in a way that no one ever had. Her head was filled with thoughts of passion, romantic aura from the wintry breeze and the warmth of his body.

London seemed to have this effect in motioning them into the right direction. London gave them the pathway to happiness, togetherness and love.

The moonlight had granted all their wishes and I guess it was the power from all those London kisses.

The Green Eyed Goddess Wednesday, 25 November 2009

The Green Eyed Goddess

PT 1

There was always something about this woman, I named her The Green Eyed Goddess. She stood tall, perfect at 5’9 across the platform of the train station, an absolute unparalleled vision of beauty and elegance. The sheath like dark black dress that she was wearing embraced her figure and the skirt part of the dress hugged her hips and stretched down to her thighs.

She had dark brown shoulder length hair, which swept down one side of her face more or less covering her left eye. Every so often she would flip her head so that her vision was cleared. She was beautiful, with a warm and inviting smile.

It would be summer every day, if only I could share my life with this woman. I watched her every morning standing in silence. As I glanced around, I saw devoted couples, hand in hand in perfect union, their joy fulfilled.

PT 2

We were both from two different worlds both going in opposite directions. Yet we were connected by the same train line. We were together but not actually united, two nomadic souls seeking to discover their purpose in life.

My side of the platform stood mostly empty. My soul and happiness had taken the form of this woman of extraordinary beauty, bright, inquisitive mind, and a magnetic personality, drawing in all those in close proximity to her, aspiring to be her friend.

Even with so many people around her she seemed lonely. I guess we were both lonely. Yet life’s train journey can be a pleasant thing, a trip across yonder to sunny blue skies, a change, before arriving at your final destination.

PT 3

I guess I’m the type of man who wants to give love, and all that it really meant. Any particular route or passageway is about giving and its far better to bestow and discover unconditional love than to never love at all. The journey of existence may be lengthy with twists and turns yet fruitful and rewarding shared with the right spirit.

Situated at the end of the platform station, I saw myself as nobody special, there isn’t anything unique or extraordinary about me. Nothing has come to pass within my entire travel that hasn't happened to virtually everybody else on this planet. Except for the brief fortuitous encounters with the Green Eyed Goddess.

In life not so often you just know that there is, or they are - The One, from a momentary action, the fluttering of her Gazelle kohl-lined eye lashes were as mesmeric and intoxicating all at the same time. She brought the promise of warmth, sunshine, and continued illuminated days.

She had it all and to travel with her would be like a marvel dream, a living fantasy from which you would never want to awake. The world would seem new and vibrant and togetherness and oneness would seemingly last forever.

The Green Eyed Goddess is the type of lady that would devote all of her life towards you achieving your goals, helping you reach life’s potential and for me the prospect of being in her arms would be my only reason, desire, ambition and aspiration.

PT 4

Watching her across the station I knew that I could honour this woman for the rest of my life. Despite the distance between us, I’ve always found ways everyday to wish and prompt myself that one day we could be together.

For a while I have imagined what would be necessary for me to just walk to the other side of this platform. Weeks and months would pass, yet I could never pluck up the bravery to converse with her.

All I needed now was to chance upon the correct words, so that I could express my feelings. I just needed to some how promise and dedicated my life to her and to verbalize that I wanted to share my beautiful sunrise and sunset with her by my side.

Her train pulled into the station. It always left at 8.30 sharp. I was becoming nervous, having already been walking about the station for an hour. I glimpsed her framed in the window and I almost shouted out to her that no matter which direction life may take you, that love (Our love) will one day surely take us together to the paradise that she has always imagined.

PT 5

Just within a few minutes of the train leaving, an announcement played over the tannoy reporting a delay and that all passengers situated on platform two would need to cross over to platform one.

The departures board usually a screen hanging from the roof, showed a list for the next few trains leaving from this station and that there would be a thirty minute delay.

I made my way to the other side and onto her train knowing that this would be my stroke of luck. My kismet had changed and for some weird and wonderful reason she was sitting unaccompanied.

‘Is this seat taken?’ I enquired.

‘No.’ she smiled nodding her head.

It was amazing that sometimes with no real words said and just by the simplest of smiles your whole world can change.

We both looked at each other exchanged greetings and then and there I knew that today was going to be a terrific day, a blessed day that was going to change the rest of my life. One thing you will never know is where or when your opportunity will arise for you to bump into your love.

Her name was Anne, we struck up a conversation and within 15 minutes of our meeting she tenderly held my hand, looked into my eyes and asked

"Do you believe in fate?"

‘Yes’ I replied.

There was an instant bond between us. There was no doubt in our hearts, that we had feelings for each other and for me to just sit next to her was the very thing that I could possibly had wished for. A paradise, a new start and the love of my life after all these years being alone.

I believed in us and there was no question in my mind that our meeting was divine fate. The Green Eyed Goddess was my love and no one else could ever have that part of my soul.

The beating rhythm of the clattering from the train's wheels started to draw out from the station. We had no idea which direction we were heading.

But one thing I knew for certain was that I wouldn’t live the rest of my life feeling lonely anymore, because I was at last finally travelling with my Green Eyed Goddess.

Sunday 22 November 2009

The Lady In The Red Dress Sunday, 22 November 2009

The Lady In The Red Dress

PT 1

It was a late evening the rain was pouring, the sky was vivid orange. I got out of my car & gradually strolled to the bay window to peer once more. It’s become a daily routine, just to steal a glance at her dancing. The Lady In the red dress.

Out of the crowd the one whom always caught my eye, the one I adored. She always mesmerised and brought a smile to my face. I loved watching her move smoothly around the ballroom, gliding in and out of the gathering. She moved eloquently a flight of fantasy a dream. She was the sun, the moon, and I the earth.

She was beautiful and in every vision, absolutely gorgeous and was Caucasian, yet part Cherokee. Tall in stature her hair was long dark brown and she had a stunning figure.

Perhaps she was waiting for a particular individual to enter her life & sweep her off her feet. If I could only wish that person would be me.

PT 2

The music played, she danced so gracefully. One could only marvel at here poise & charisma out on the ballroom floor. She wasn’t like any other woman; there was an assured charm about her characteristics, mixing natural beauty and authority in every step.

My eyes continued scanning her across the hall, trailing each movement. Life became sweeter for a couple of hours. Looking down onto the polished floor you could see her refection staring back at her. Her long brown hair and red dress outlining her prominence.

I just wished I could make my way through the cluster of people, eyes locked on hers. She spun around swirling twirling across the dance hall. The music stopped the last dance completed; she walked through the assembly towards the entrance. Things became strangely quiet. She opened the door, the rain kept coming and my charms fell to vacant stares as she seemed to look straight through me. How could I express my feelings for her?

PT 3

The music began to play, and those in the hall once again began to dance. She approached me.

‘Are you not going to ask me to dance?'

She somehow took the words concealed deep within my heart,

‘It would be delightful and an honour if I could acquire this dance with one whose prettiness is beyond comparison'

Some how the words just rolled off my tongue, as if what I had just thought was meant to be spoken. The Lady in the Red Dress joyfully smiled. Bending the knees with one foot forward and lowering the body I bowed and so we began to dance in the rain.

This was an interval of time to which I didn't belong, but at the same time it became a moment that belonged to me. I didn't want it to end, as to how and why I was here, for this dance didn't really matter.

You could hear the short ting melody of the rain drops hitting the ground. The rain picked up speed and the rhythm of the dance became more rapid. Resting her cheek against mine, she whispered into my ear, with a look of gratitude and kindness playing on her beautiful face.

PT 4

We were both alive, complete, and rejoiced. The moon reflected off her dark brown locks. The rain seem to identify with her each stride, appearing to separate harmoniously splashing around her ankles. With her eyes gleaming, she in turn let out a joyous laugh.

The moon sparkled from the intensity. Her Red Dress was drenched, soaking wet and it dragged behind her. She didn’t care, and we kept dancing. I followed, not permitting to let her out of my sight for the apprehension that she would vanish and then she turned to me and her dancing halted.

Her breath suddenly caught. I now remembered what it was to love our hearts racing with happiness.

‘What took you so long?’ She said softly with a smile.

‘Excuse me?’ I replied confused by her question

Her emerald eyes shut; she inhaled gradually as if she were in deep sleep. She gradually leaned in and we kissed. Her lips were as supple as the petals of a bloom, the picture of her green eyes flamed into my brain. Our arms locked together feeling the ecstasy of love.

‘How long was I supposed to wait for you to ask me to dance?’ She whispered

I took off my coat to protect her from the rain that threatened to cool her delicate frame. Kissing her gently I brushed the back of my hand against her smooth flawless skin, gently running my fingers through her locks that flowed across her shoulders.

‘I would of waited for you till the ends of time’. I replied.

There was peace and calm as reality came back into focus. I could read the affection she had for me from her deep within her soul. We stayed there, clothes soaked. We were in tune and I more in love with her than ever.

A flash of lightning illuminated the surroundings and at that moment I realised we were always waiting for each other.

Alas I had finally found my Lady in the Red Dress

Saturday 25 July 2009

Quadrilogy Short films by aneel ahmad Blog/Diary

Quadrilogy Short films by aneel ahmad Blog/Diary PT2 2008-09

Quadrilogy Short films by aneel ahmad Blog/Diary PT2

Quadrilogy Short films by aneel ahmad Blog/Diary PT1

Hi I am posting the trials tribulations on how to make 4 short films in 3 weeks. Focusing on Poverty. Slums reality! Stay tuned!
Quadrilogy for aneel ahmads short films The Boy In The Tree Paper Collector Raksha Sawari Check Post. Behind the scenes diary shooting abroad!

Saturday 14 June 2008

No Guts No Glory Boot Polish Documentary by aneel ahmad 2008

produced & directed by aneel ahmad 2008

'Poor People are allowed to have the same dreams as anyone else.' Boot Polish is a magical short film about a shoe shine boy Babar who becomes emotionally involved with a courtesan.

A detailed behind this scenes documentary. Shooting in Lahore Pakistan. This film follows the directors trek from England to Pakistan and the number of difficulties he faced trying to make a short film. The Documentary covers a wide range of stories and social issues including poverty, and humantarian issues.

Thursday 20 March 2008

Anthony Minghella CBE 1954 - 2008



Early life
Minghella was born on the Isle of Wight at Ryde, the son of Gloria and Edward Minghella, ice cream factory owners.His father was Italian/Scottish and his mother came from Leeds; her ancestors originally came from Valvori, a small village in the Lazio region of central Italy. Minghella attended Sandown Grammar School and St John's College (Portsmouth). He was a graduate of the University of Hull, where he completed undergraduate and postgraduate courses, but eventually abandoned his doctoral thesis.

His first piece of produced work was a 1975 stage adaptation of Gabriel Josipovici's Mobius the Stripper; however, it was his 1985 piece Whale Music that kickstarted his career.He made his directorial debut with a double bill of Beckett's Play and Happy Days. During the 1980s, he worked in television, starting as a runner on Magpie before moving into script editing the children's drama series Grange Hill for the BBC and later writing The Storyteller series for Jim Henson. He also worked on episodes of the ITV detective drama Inspector Morse. His 1986 play Made in Bangkok found mainstream success in the West End.
His 1990 feature Truly, Madly, Deeply, a drama he had written and directed for the BBC's Screen Two anthology strand, bypassed its expected TV broadcast and received a cinema release. In order to make the film, he had turned down an offer to direct another episode of Inspector Morse, which he had thought would be a much higher-profile assignment.
In 1996, he won the Academy Award for Directing for The English Patient. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Adapted Screenplay for 1999's The Talented Mr. Ripley.
At the time of his death he had completed work on the adaptation of The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency starring Jill Scott as Precious Ramotswe. This made-for-TV pilot is due to be broadcast by the BBC within a week of his death.
He vocally supported I Know I'm Not Alone, a film of musician Michael Franti's peacemaking excursions into Iraq, Palestine and Israel.
He directed a party election broadcast for the Labour Party in 2005. The short film depicted Tony Blair and Gordon Brown working together and was criticised for being insincere: "The Anthony Minghella party political broadcast last year was full of body language fibs", said Peter Collett, a psychologist at the University of Oxford. "When you are talking to me, I'll give you my full attention only if I think you are very high status or if I love you. On that party political broadcast, they are staring at each other like lovers. It is completely false."
Minghella made his operatic debut directing Puccini's Madama Butterfly. It was first seen at the English National Opera in London in 2005, at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Vilnius in March 2006 and at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City in September 2006. The Anthony Minghella Theatre at Quay Arts Centre on the Isle of Wight is named in his honour. Minghella also made an appearance in the 2007 film Atonement, playing a television host interviewing the novelist whose role was central to the story.

Personal life
Minghella was married to Hong Kong-born choreographer Carolyn Choa. His brother, Dominic, is also a successful scriptwriter, and his son, Max, is an actor. His daughter Hannah worked as a production assistant on The Talented Mr. Ripley. His sister Edana is currently involved in a jazz event on the Isle of Wight, and his nephew Dante is one of the participants in Channel 4's Child Genius series.
He was a big Portsmouth F.c. fan and appeared in the Channel 4 documentary Hallowed Be Thy Game. His home had two double bedrooms dedicated to the display of Portsmouth memorabilia dating back to the club's founding in 1898.

Minghella died on 18 March 2008 of a haemorrhage in Charing Cross Hospital, London, following an operation the previous week to remove cancer of the tonsils and neck. Several of Minghella's friends and colleagues, actors and actress such as Jude Law, Kevin Spacey, Ralph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow all led tributes. Other's came from Prime Minister Gordon Brown, John Berry, BBC creative director Alan Yentob as well as fellow director Sydney Pollack and Lord Puttnam

Ok dudes a GREAT LOSS not only for the British film Industry but to all you that loved work as an ART FROM

One of my Modern Role Models and Romantic film Director Anthony Minghella past away this week and I only feel its fitting that
we show our love and support as we British know by leavin a message on his official website

LEAVE YOUR MESSAGES of condolences

I would go far enough to say he was as good as Sir David Lean & Merchant Ivory Productions
He also was a champion of TALENT and also Chaired the BFI.

Mirage left me comments for Waiting For Sunrise and I pestered them throughout the years to look at my work and they have always had time to listen and read my stuff. So please lets give something back to this GREAT British Film director whom will be sadly missed.


Anthony's Italian parents are famous for their ice cream factory.
After attending the University of Hull (North Yorkshire/Humberside, England), he briefly worked as a university professor where he started writing music and plays. He won the London Theater Critics Award in 1984 for Most Promising Playwright and in 1986 for Best Play with "Made In Bangkok".

Appointed a CBE in the 2001 Queen's Birthday Honours List.

In 1984, the London Theatre Critics named him Most Promising Playwright of the Year.
Has directed 5 actors to Oscar nominations: Ralph Fiennes, Jude Law, Renée Zellweger, Juliette Binoche and Kristin Scott Thomas. Binoche and Zellwegger won for their supporting turns in The English Patient (1996) and Cold Mountain (2003), respectively.
Personal Quotes

"The only lesson to extract from any civil war is that it's pointless and futile and ugly, and that there is nothing glamorous or heroic about it. There are heroes, but the causes are never heroic."
"When I became the chair of the British Film Institute, I didn't understand how much of my time would be taken up with trying to make a case for the British Film Institute: what it's for, why it exists, why it needs its money."

Dear Aneel,

Waiting for Sunrise's 6 minutes, are very hard to watch –

Its portrayal of the brutality of poverty being poignantly achieved. I wish you every success in continuing to make films of conscience and applaud your dedication to find the means to do so. Best wishes,

Timothy Bricknell/ Executive Producer Associate Producer, Writer


Tuesday 5 February 2008

The Telegraph INDIA Jan 15th 2008

Tuesday , January 15 , 2008
Bolly ho!

A hard-hitting film about the streetchildren of Lahore; Shilpa Shetty continues to shine...
Shilpa Shetty
2008 is looking decidedly rosy for one British-Asian film-maker with Bollywood leanings. The British Film Institute (BFI) announced that it would be preserving two short films by Aneel Ahmad for posterity.
The otherwise little-known film-maker, who was brought up on a poor and often violent estate in Manchester, focuses on his experience of moving between the UK and his family’s origin, Pakistan. Ahmad first visited Lahore for a family wedding when he was young and felt so moved by the sight of streetchildren being lured into prostitution, that, having taught himself to shoot using borrowed camcorders, he returned to Manchester and badgered his regional screen agency for cash. His plan was to come back to Lahore and film what he had seen. In the end the agency, North West Vision, granted him his wish.

The result is Waiting For Sunrise, which follows the lives of Lahore streetchildren and yields images which viewers, writing on a BBC website, have called “very disturbing” and “hard to take” but “raw and effective”. The success was followed up by the fictional, but still Lahore-inspired, short Boot Polish — which takes a more Bolly-go-lucky countenance. A nightmare-cum-fairytale, it tells the tale of a prostitute in Lahore who falls into the cruel grip of a wealthy and obsessive client — before being rescued by a boy and swept to a happily-ever-after finale somewhere high in the snow-capped roof of the world.
Hearing that his films were to be treasured by the BFI, Ahmad said, “This is a great honour for me… if I die tomorrow at least I know someone, somewhere will have access to at least two of my films.”
If she dies tomorrow, at least Shilpa Shetty will have worked to keep goddess Sita in shape. While announcing in India that she is to play the Ramayana heroine in the upcoming film Hanuman, in Britain La Shetty was busy launching a yoga DVD.
Yo-yoing between sit-ups and Sita should also ensure she burns off any extra calories gained during the creation of yet another of her numerous money-spinners, Soul Curry. Yep, that’s Shilpa’s cookery book (recipes ideally to be made while wearing Shilpa’s perfume, S2).
One would have thought that the growing proliferation of such disparate gimmicks branded ‘Shilpa’ might herald the demise of Bollywood’s most exported B-lister. Not so. Without her, this year’s reincarnation of Celebrity Big Brother (the British TV-show which catapulted Shilpa to global stardom a year ago), Celebrity Hijack, is not doing well in the UK TV ratings. The show has reportedly flopped, its ratings having plummeted from over seven million to less than half that figure this year.
Indeed, Britain just can’t forget those events from January 2007. The latest is that the bully in chief, Jade Goody (renowned for calling her “Shilpa poppadum” on the show) has been voted fourth in the UK’s Trainwreck of the Year Awards.
One wonders whether on hearing the news, our celebrity yoga expert took a moment to breathe in… stretch… and release.
Jack Lamport